For e-commerce consumers, high-quality photos are expected on retail sites, because it is the main way companies present their products and services. Viewing the product you would like to purchase, whether it be in-person, in a catalog or on a screen, is important to any shopping experience, but is crucial for online shoppers. dollars in 2017.2 With a significant increase in projected online sales, it is essential for retailers to research, evaluate, differentiate, and adapt current e-commerce design practices to capture the various needs of an expanding market.Ī key component of current e-commerce design is the photography used to sell products and services. dollars and are projected to grow to 434.2 billion U.S. retail e-commerce sales amounted to 225.5 billion U.S. Utilitarian consumers are concerned with purchasing products in an efficient and timely manner whereas hedonic consumers are focused on the potential entertainment and enjoyment that arises from the shopping experience.1 Recognizing these differences in shopping motives is especially important because of the changes in the retail environment. It is widely accepted that consumers are primarily motivated by either utilitarian or hedonic goals. Even though the ways in which people research, shop, and purchase items have evolved, the reasons people shop have essentially stayed the same.